Team Profiles: Enda McVey, Graduate Software Developer - Covernet - Smart Insurance Software

Team Profiles: Enda McVey, Graduate Software Developer



Enda McVey

Job Title:

Graduate Software Developer

No of years’ service with Covernet:

4 Months


I studied Computing at Ulster University in Coleraine, I picked Coleraine due to the North Coast scene, the beach, and the promise of liveable student housing. The course itself was amazing as it was my first real taste of programming, and it introduced me to the world of web and application development.

As part of my degree, I took part in a yearlong placement in Edinburgh, which furthers my skills in database development and allowed me to see how a real application worked and the impact it could have on an industry.

After I finished my undergrad, I decided that I wanted to further my studies in Computing Science.

As I loved Edinburgh so much, I decided to return to Scotland to complete my masters, this time however it would be in Glasgow. Studying Computer Science at the University of Glasgow was challenging but it was really enjoyable. I was also able to study topics in depth, topics that were only briefly mentioned in my undergrad, I was able to study alongside students who had the same goals as myself. As part of my final year project, I was able to further the development of my project which I started in Coleraine, and using everything I learned from my masters, expand it into a new application.

How did you become part of the Covernet team?

After I finished my masters I returned home. I registered with a recruitment firm to see what was out there. Most of my friends are in Belfast and are always talking about the amazing commute up the M2 that they complete each morning. I realized immediately that it was something I wanted to avoid, if at all possible!

My recruiter then told me about a company called Covernet, a development company based in the outskirts of Coleraine, who were interested in graduates. After looking through their website and social media pages, I knew that this would be a place that I would like to work. My recruiter sent over my CV, I was offered an interview and the rest was history.

Typical Day

Every day I log in at around 8:30am which gives me a chance to check my emails and gain an idea of the tasks or training sessions that are planned for the day.

Due to the current environment, every morning at 9:30 we have a Scrum Meeting (Via GoToMeeting) with everyone in the office. This is great, as it allows us to hear about any announcements and hear what everyone has planned for the day.

As I started a week before lockdown began, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to complete my training. However, the switch to remote working was seamless, the Managers and staff have been great at keeping in contact. The last of my training sessions were completed via a 1 to 1 screen share session.

Once completed, I was given a training project which challenged me to use my training and the provided documentation to create my very own insurance product. Working remotely for this project was beneficial as it was similar to how I completed projects at university. Whenever I got an error, I was able to read through and figure out why I was getting the error in the first place. Whenever I got stuck, I was always able to send an email and got a reply with a range of suggestions to fix my issue within minutes.

What do you enjoy most about the job?

So far, I have enjoyed working at Covernet, the team are all great and have all made an amazing effort to make me feel welcome. One of the most positive things about Covernet is that despite the current environment, the strong Covernet culture shines through.

During my short time with Covernet, I have still been able to take part in multiple activities, from a Baking Competition to quizzes and exercise challenges. Most of the activities were to assist in raising money for our charity of the year, which is the Children's Hospice. Despite the current situation, we are all still highly motivated to reach our target goal

What do you attribute to your career success to date?

Set yourself a goal and don’t be shy to ask any questions. If things aren’t going your way, relax, everything always works out!

Who is your role model in business?

I don’t think I have a role model per se. I am very lucky to come from a strong supportive family and have made a few friends over the years; this leaves me in the fortunate position that I don’t have a shortage of people that I can rely on and ask for support when needed. 

What is your greatest passion outside of work and family?

I have recently started to take up running again, I am currently taking part in the 5k challenge which has been fun. I live on a sheep farm but what I enjoy most about that is training our sheepdog new ways in how to manage our sheep. I also like gaming, watching movies and reading books.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Imaginative, Observant and Vibrant